.. in which I wonder why I don’t read..

What books do you want to read?

If I don’t read a book, does it not count as reading?

I read a lot, now I understand that! What I read, even I do not know. There are articles on cognitive learning, the economy, recipes of pickles and desserts that I devour (the articles, not the desserts unfortunately)- there are articles about happiness that I skip.

So when a prompt wants to know what books I will read, it stops me in my tracks. Will I read the 13 books on my tsundoku list? The ones I bought with great interest but never read because my bedside lamplight is so low that even my specs do not help me read them any more!

To begin with, there’s Independence. A Chitra Bannerjee Devakurni tale that I believe promises a layered story about sisters during the partition. I love stories about sisters, and I have read a lot about the partition, and I like bengali – the language and the cuisine – so this should be. a treat when the story finally picks pace.

Another book I would like to finally read is Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat by Samin Nosrat. It has everything about the science of flavour. Knowing that it has everything fills me up with so much joy that I haven’t yet found the need to open the book yet. I want to continue to anticipate the promise of treasures it holds a little longer!

The Bhagavad Gita. This I had never read. This year I began writing it out as a mindfulness practice. It’s possible I might complete this book, if none other. What a surprise!

In the Garden, Essays on Nature and Growing – now this is a book I could read. A book I could complete. A book I could re-read. It has gossip, instructions, regret, and snobbery. A perfect read for when you want to have some ‘tea’ with ‘scones’ and a smidge of cream and a side of privilege.

Hmm, I have a list now.